Living in Harmony with Satish Kumar

In the first episode of our 'Living in Harmony' podcast series we speak with Satish Kumar, peace-pilgrim, social justice activist and former monk.
In it, he speaks about how he finds hope and joy each day and shares how his love for Nature and other human-beings has provided inspiration for his life-long activism.
Here’s a bit more information about our very special guest…
Satish Kumar has been advocating for a global change for over five decades and devoted his life to activism and campaigning for ecological regeneration, social justice and spiritual fulfilment. He founded The Resurgence Trust, an educational charity that seeks to inform and inspire a just future for all. He has been the guiding spirit behind several other internationally respected ecological and educational ventures and co-founded Schumacher College, a progressive college for ecological studies. Satish continues to teach, share his wisdom and write about reverential ecology, holistic education and voluntary simplicity as he approaches his nineties and is a much sought-after international speaker and author.